
Native PHP template engine.

PicoraView is best described by a simple use case:

  • create a PicoraView object with a path to a valid PHP file as the first argument
  • assign variables to this object
  • when display() or print is called on the object, the variables assigned to the object become available as local variables inside the PHP file and the output is returned
$v = new PicoraView('views/my_template.php');
$v->title = 'My Title';
$v->body = 'My body';
print $v;
print $v->display();
//or the same thing in one command
print new PicoraView('views/my_template.php',array(
    'title' => 'My Title',
    'body' => 'My body'

my_template.php might look like this:

        <title><?php print $title;?></title>
        <h1><?php print $title;?></h1>
        <p><?php print $body;?></p>

Using view helpers


In your template you can now call:

<?php print $this->tag('a',array('href'=>'http://mysite.com/'),'My Link Text');?>

Sometimes it is useful to set content to be available outside of the current template.

<?php $this->beginSection('head');?>
    This content will be available to all subsequent PicoraView objects in the variable $head.
<?php $this->endSection('head');?>

This is useful in implementing layouts, so that templates may add to different sections. Your layout View must be rendered after the view declaring these sections is rendered for the variables to be available. The variables will be overwritten by any manually defined variables.


If you extend PicoraView, you can define a beforeDisplay() and afterDisplay(&$contents) method, that will be called before and after display() is called. You can use beforeDisplay() to set or unset variables, or helpers in every view instance that you wish, and use afterDisplay() to modify the $contents that will be returned from display. Note that $contents is passed in as reference. Neither function needs a return value;

Rendering from a string instead of a file

Just pass in any PHP code (not beginning and ending with PHP tags), in place of a filename.

$v = new View(false,'
    <h1><?php print $title;?></h1>
',array('title'=>'My Title'));

The only requirement is that this string MUST contain at least one newline character.

Method Overview

Return Visibility Name Parameters
unknown static public addMethod (mixed String, callback Callback)
unknown static public cycle ()
unknown static public link ()
unknown final static public render ()
unknown static public tag (string $tag_name, array $attributes, string $content, boolean $encode)
unknown static public url ()
unknown static protected beginSection (string $section_name)
unknown static protected endSection (string $section_name)
View public __construct (file_name $file, mixed $params)
string public display ()

Method Detail

static public addMethod()

Parameter Type Name Description
mixed String method name, or array of method name => callback pairs
callback Callback function

static public cycle()

print self::cycle('even','odd');

Default view helper. Takes the same parameters as PicoraDispatcher::getUrl(), with text prepended. #php print self::link('Link Text',array('Blog','index'));

final static public render()

Default view helper. Takes the same parameters as PicoraController::render().

static public tag()

Parameter Type Name Description
string $tag_name
array $attributes
string $content
boolean $encode runs htmlspecialchars($value,ENT_COMPAT,'utf-8') on attributes

Default view helper. #php print self::tag('a',array('href'=>'some_url'),'Link Contents'); print self::tag('a','Link Contents');

static public url()

Default view helper. Takes the same parameters as PicoraDispatcher::getUrl()

static protected beginSection()

Parameter Type Name Description
string $section_name

Default view helper.

static protected endSection()

Parameter Type Name Description
string $section_name

Default view helper.

public __construct()

Parameter Type Name Description
file_name $file Path to template file.
mixed $params Optional array of key value pairs.

public display()

Renders the current template, returning the result as a string.

This class triggers the following events, which you can observe with the following syntax:

PicoraEvent::observe('event_name','my_function'); //or
PicoraEvent::observe('event_name',array($my_object,'my_instance_method')); //or
Return Name Signature Description
void PicoraView.beforeDisplay (View object)
void PicoraView.afterDisplay (string output)

Declared in: PicoraView.php

final class PicoraView {    
    protected $__is_string__ = false;
    protected $__file__ = false;
    static protected $__methods__ = array();
    static protected $__sections__ = array();
    static protected $__last_section_name__ = false;
     * @param file_name $file Path to template file.
     * @param mixed $params Optional array of key value pairs.
     * @return View object
    public function __construct($file = false,$params = false){
        $this->__is_file__ = (strpos($file,chr(10)) !== false);
        $this->__file__ = $file;
            foreach($params as $key => $value)
                $this->{$key} = $value;
     * Renders the current template, returning the result as a string.
     * @return string
    public function display(){
        foreach(PicoraEvent::getObserverList('PicoraView.beforeDisplay') as $callback)
        //extract and unserialize all flash values and extract content blocks
            foreach($_SESSION[PicoraController::FLASH_SESSION_KEY_NAME]['values'] as $__key__ => $__value__)
                $$__key__ = unserialize($__value__);
        //bring controller instance variables, content blocks, and view instance variables into scope
        extract(array_merge((PicoraDispatcher::getCurrentController() ? array_merge(PicoraDispatcher::getCurrentController()->params,get_object_vars(PicoraDispatcher::getCurrentController())) : array()),self::$__sections__,get_object_vars($this)),EXTR_REFS);
        //include file and return output
                eval(' ?>'.$this->__file__.'<?php ');
        $output = ob_get_clean();
        foreach(PicoraEvent::getObserverList('PicoraView.afterDisplay') as $callback)
        return $output;
    public function __toString(){
            return $this->display();
        }catch(Exception $e){
     * @param mixed String method name, or array of method name => callback pairs
     * @param callback Callback function
    static public function addMethod($method,$callback = false){
            foreach($method as $_method => $_callback)
            self::$__methods__[$method] = $callback;
    public function __call($method,$args){
            return call_user_func_array(self::$__methods__[$method],$args);
            throw new Exception('The method '.get_class($this).'->'.$method.'() is not callable.');
    //default view helpers begin here
     * Default view helper.
     * @param string $section_name
    static protected function beginSection($section_name){
        self::$__last_section_name__ = $section_name;
     * Default view helper.
     * @param string $section_name
    static protected function endSection($section_name){
            self::$__sections__[self::$__last_section_name__] .= ob_get_clean();
            self::$__sections__[self::$__last_section_name__] = ob_get_clean();
     *     #php
     *     print self::cycle('even','odd');
    static public function cycle(){
        static $cycles;
            $cycles = array();
        $args = func_get_args();
        $key = 'cycle.'.md5(implode($args));
        $cycles[$key] = (!isset($cycles[$key])) ? 0 : ($cycles[$key] < count($args) - 1 ? $cycles[$key] + 1 : 0);
        return $args[$cycles[$key]];
     * Default view helper.
     *     #php
     *     print self::tag('a',array('href'=>'some_url'),'Link Contents');
     *     print self::tag('a','Link Contents');
     * @param string $tag_name
     * @param array $attributes
     * @param string $content
     * @param boolean $encode runs htmlspecialchars($value,ENT_COMPAT,'utf-8') on attributes
    static public function tag($tag_name,$attributes = false,$content = false,$encode = true){
            $content = $attributes;
            $attributes = false;
        $attributes_output = '';
            $attributes_output = ' ';
            foreach($attributes as $key => $value)
                $attributes_output .= $key.'="'.($encode ? htmlspecialchars($value,ENT_COMPAT,'utf-8') : $value).'" ';
            $attributes_output = substr($attributes_output,0,-1);
        return '<'.$tag_name.$attributes_output.($content ? '>'.$content.'</'.$tag_name.'>' : '/>');
     * Default view helper. Takes the same parameters as PicoraDispatcher::getUrl()
    static public function url($controller_and_method,$arguments = false,$include_base_url = true){
        return PicoraDispatcher::getUrl($controller_and_method,$arguments,$include_base_url);
     * Default view helper. Takes the same parameters as PicoraDispatcher::getUrl(), with text prepended.
     *     #php
     *     print self::link('Link Text',array('Blog','index'));
    static public function link($text,$controller_and_method,$arguments = false,$include_base_url = true){
        return self::tag('a',array(
            'href' => PicoraDispatcher::getUrl($controller_and_method,$arguments,$include_base_url)
     * Default view helper. Takes the same parameters as PicoraController::render().
    final static public function render($file,$local_variables = false){
        return PicoraController::render($file,$local_variables);