
Generate HTML from Textile formatted text.

This class is a thin wrapper around the TextilePHP library which is an implementation of Dean Allen's Textile language.

PicoraTextile::format('some text');

Method Overview

Return Visibility Name Parameters
string static public format (string $text)

Method Detail

static public format()

Parameter Type Name Description
string $text Textile formatted text.

This class triggers the following events, which you can observe with the following syntax:

PicoraEvent::observe('event_name','my_function'); //or
PicoraEvent::observe('event_name',array($my_object,'my_instance_method')); //or
Return Name Signature Description
void PicoraTextile.beforeFormat (string text)
void PicoraTextile.afterFormat (string text)

Declared in: PicoraTextile.php

class PicoraTextile {
     * @param string $text Textile formatted text.
     * @return string HTML
    static public function format($text){
        static $textile;
            $textile = new Textile;
        foreach(PicoraEvent::getObserverList('PicoraTextile.beforeFormat') as $callback)
        $output = $textile->process($text);
        foreach(PicoraEvent::getObserverList('PicoraTextile.afterFormat') as $callback)
        return $output;