Support functionality for the Picora core.
This class contains only static methods and should not be instantiated. These methods provide functionality necessary for core the Picora classes to operate.
Method Overview
Return | Visibility | Name | Parameters |
mixed | static public | exceptionHandler | (Exception $e, boolean $return, boolean $render_html) |
string | static public | formatPropertyString | (string $property_string, mixed $properties) |
string | static public | pluralize | (string $str) |
string | static public | singularize | (string $str) |
Method Detail
static public exceptionHandler()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
Exception | $e | Exception object. |
boolean | $return | Return the stack trace as a string, or print it out. |
boolean | $render_html | Wether to render the output for the command line, or a web browser. |
Provides a nicer print out of the stack trace when an exception is thrown. You can use this function in your own custom exception handler by using the return parameter. This function is automatically set as the default exception handler. If you set one before including Picora in your application, just call restoreexceptionhandler() right after including it.
static public formatPropertyString()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $property_string | |
mixed | $properties |
Replaces properties in a given string (denoted with a colon) with properties in a given array. This function is used to format the route strings in the PicoraDispatcher and to format the where conditions in PicoraActiveRecord.
print format_property_string('one :two three',array('two'=>2));
//one 2 three
If the properties argument is an object is instead of an array, it must implement ArrayAccess. If the property does not exist in that object a camel cased getter method is searched for to get the result instead. If that method exists, it will be called, and the result used.
class Test extends ArrayObject {
public $third_proprerty = 3;
public function getSecondProperty(){
return 2;
$t = new Test();
print format_property_string('one :second_property :third_proprerty',$t);
//one 2 3
If properties can't be resolved they are left in the string with thier colons. Any property named "id" that is set to false will be replaced with the string "new".
static public pluralize()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $str | word to get the plural form of. |
static public singularize()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $str | word to get the singular form of. |
Declared in: PicoraSupport.php
final class PicoraSupport {
* Replaces properties in a given string (denoted with a colon) with properties in a given array. This function is used to format the route strings in the PicoraDispatcher and to format the where conditions in PicoraActiveRecord.
* <pre class="highlighted"><code class="php">print format_property_string('one :two three',array('two'=>2));
* //one 2 three</code></pre>
* If the properties argument is an object is instead of an array, it must implement ArrayAccess. If the property does not exist in that object a camel cased getter method is searched for to get the result instead. If that method exists, it will be called, and the result used.
* <pre class="highlighted"><code class="php">class Test extends ArrayObject {
* public $third_proprerty = 3;
* public function getSecondProperty(){
* return 2;
* }
* }
* $t = new Test();
* print format_property_string('one :second_property :third_proprerty',$t);
* //one 2 3</code></pre>
* If properties can't be resolved they are left in the string with thier colons.
* Any property named "id" that is set to false will be replaced with the string "new".
* @param string $property_string
* @param mixed $properties
* @return string
static public function formatPropertyString($property_string,$properties){
foreach($matches[2] as $match){
if($match == 'id' && isset($properties['id']) && $properties['id'] === false)
$property_string = str_replace(':id','new',$property_string);
elseif(isset($properties[$match]) && !is_null($properties[$match]))
$property_string = str_replace(':'.$match,$properties[$match],$property_string);
elseif(is_object($properties) && method_exists($properties,'get'.str_replace(' ','',ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$match)))))
$property_string = str_replace(':'.$match,$properties->{'get'.str_replace(' ','',ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$match)))}(),$property_string);
return $property_string;
* @param string $str word to get the singular form of.
* @return string singular form of given word.
static public function singularize($str){
//Singularize rules from Rails::ActiveSupport::inflections.rb
//Copyright (c) 2005 David Heinemeier Hansson
$uncountable = array('equipment','information','rice','money','species','series','fish','sheep');
return $str;
$irregulars = array(
return $irregulars[$str];
) as $match => $replace)
return preg_replace($match,$replace,$str);
return $str;
* @param string $str word to get the plural form of.
* @return string plural form of given word.
static public function pluralize($str){
//Singularize rules from Rails::ActiveSupport::inflections.rb
//Copyright (c) 2005 David Heinemeier Hansson
$uncountable = array('equipment','information','rice','money','species','series','fish','sheep');
return $str;
$irregulars = array(
return $irregulars[$str];
'/$/'=> 's'
) as $match => $replace)
return preg_replace($match,$replace,$str);
return $str;
* Provides a nicer print out of the stack trace when an exception is thrown. You can use this function in your own custom exception handler by using the return parameter.
* This function is automatically set as the default exception handler. If you set one before including Picora in your application, just call restore_exception_handler() right after including it.
* @param Exception $e Exception object.
* @param boolean $return Return the stack trace as a string, or print it out.
* @param boolean $render_html Wether to render the output for the command line, or a web browser.
* @return mixed
static public function exceptionHandler($e,$return = false,$render_html = true){
$s = '<style>ul,li,pre {font-family:\'Lucida Grande\',Verdana; color:#333;} pre {margin-left:25px;}</style>';
$s .= '<p style=" font-family:\'Lucida Grande\',Verdana; color:#911; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; line-height:28px; padding:0; margin:0 0 5px 10px; float:none; border:none; background-image:none;">Uncaught '.get_class($e).'</p>';
$s = '# Uncaught '.get_class($e);
$s .= (!$render_html) ? '### '.$e->getTitle().chr(10) : '<h1 style="color:#333; font-family:Verdana; font-size:24px; font-weight:bold; background-image:none; border:none; float:none; padding:0; margin:10px 0 15px 10px;">'.$e->getTitle().'</h1>';
$s .= (!$render_html) ? '### '.$e->getMessage().chr(10) : '<p style=" font-family:\'Lucida Grande\',Verdana; color:#333; font-size:16px; line-height:28px; padding:0; margin:0 0 15px 10px; float:none; border:none; background-image:none;">'.$e->getMessage().'</p>';
ob_start(); var_dump($e); $r = ob_get_clean();
die('Unknown Error: Exception handler was not passed an Exception object. Was passed : '.$r.'<br/>Stack Trace:<br/><pre>'.print_r(debug_backtrace(),true).'</pre>');
$s .= (!$render_html) ? '### '.$e->getMessage().chr(10) : '<h1 style="color:#333; font-family:Verdana; font-size:24px; font-weight:bold; background-image:none; border:none; float:none; padding:0; margin:10px 0 15px 10px;">'.$e->getMessage().'</h1>';
$max = 64;
$traceArr = $e->getTrace();
if(count($traceArr) == 1)
$s.= (!$render_html) ? '### The exception was thrown on line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().chr(10) : '<p style="font-family:\'Lucida Grande\',Verdana; font-size:12px; color:#444; text-align:left; line-height:24px; margin:0 0 0 10px; padding:0;"><b>The exception was thrown on line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().'</b></p>';
else {
$s .= (!$render_html) ? '### Before the Exception was thrown, the script called the following functions in this order:'.chr(10) : '<p style="font-family:\'Lucida Grande\',Verdana; font-size:12px; color:#444; text-align:left; line-height:24px; margin:0 0 0 10px; padding:0;"><b>Before the Exception was thrown, the script called the following functions in this order:</b><br/>';
$totalTabs = count($traceArr) - 1;
$usedTabs = 0;
foreach(array_reverse($traceArr) as $arr){
$s.= (!$render_html) ? ' ' : ' ';
if (isset($arr['class'])) $s .= (!$render_html) ? ''.$arr['class'].'>>' : '<b>'.$arr['class'].'</b>→';
$args = array();
if(!empty($arr['args'])) foreach($arr['args'] as $v){
if (is_null($v)) $args[] = 'null';
else if (is_array($v)) $args[] = 'Array['.count($v).']';
else if (is_object($v)) $args[] = get_class($v).' Object';
else if (is_bool($v)) $args[] = $v ? 'true' : 'false';
else if (is_int($v)) $args[] = $v;
$v = (string) @$v;
$str = htmlspecialchars(substr($v,0,$max));
if (strlen($v) > $max) $str .= '...';
$args[] = "\"".$str."\"";
$s .= (!$render_html) ? $arr['function'].'('.implode(', ',$args).')' : '<b>'.$arr['function'].'(</b>'.implode(', ',$args).'<b>)</b>';
$Line = (isset($arr['line'])? $arr['line'] : "[PHP ENGINE]");
$File = (isset($arr['file'])? $arr['file'] : "[PHP ENGINE]");
$s .= (!$render_html) ? ' '.sprintf('called on line %d in %s',$Line,$File).chr(10).'### ' : sprintf(" <span style=\"font-size:18px;\">»</span> called on line %d in %s",$Line,$File).'<br/>';
$s .= (!$render_html) ? str_repeat(' ',$usedTabs) : str_repeat(' ',$usedTabs);
$s .= (!$render_html) ? '### The exception was thrown on line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile() : ' <b>The exception was thrown on line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().'</b></p>';
return $s;
print $s;