Parses a search query string into a 'WHERE' SQL fragment.
This implementation is specific to MySQL's fulltext search functionality. It will not work with SQLite at this time. The search query string supports the following constructs:
- single_words
- multiple words
- "quoted words"
- -negative -words
- -"negative quoted words"
- wildcard*
For example:
- apple
- apple -computer
- apple "wenatchee valley"
- appl* stock -"wenatchee valley"
$search = new PicoraSearchQuery($this->params['query'],'title,body');
$articles = PicoraActiveRecord::findAll(array('where'=>$search->display()));
if(count($articles) == 0){
$articles = PicoraActiveRecord::findAll(array('where'=>$search->display()));
Method Overview
Return | Visibility | Name | Parameters |
object | public | __construct | (string $query_string, string $index_string) |
string | public | display | () |
void | public | wildCardWords | () |
Method Detail
public __construct()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $query_string | |
string | $index_string | The fulltext index to search against |
public display()
Generates a SQL where fragment for use in a full SQL query.
public wildCardWords()
Appends "*" to the end of each search term.
Declared in: PicoraSearchQuery.php
class PicoraSearchQuery {
protected $queryString;
protected $indexString;
protected $negativeQuoted = array();
protected $quoted = array();
protected $words = array();
protected $negativeWords = array();
* @param string $query_string
* @param string $index_string The fulltext index to search against
* @return object
public function __construct($query_string,$index_string){
$this->queryString = strtolower($query_string);
$this->indexString = (is_array($index_string) ? implode(',',$index_string) : $index_string);
//turn "multi word stirngs" with single quotes into double quotes
$working_string = preg_replace('/\'([^\']+)\'( ?)/','"\1"\2',$query_string);
//match quoted strings and remove them from the string
foreach($quote_matches[2] as $i => $subject){
//add the match to an index
$this->{(!empty($quote_matches[1][$i]) ? 'negativeQuoted' : 'quoted')}[] = $quote_matches[2][$i];
//remove the match from the string
$string = str_replace($quote_matches[0][$i],'',$working_string);
//match all remaining subjects
foreach($matches[2] as $i => $subject)
$this->{(!empty($matches[1][$i]) ? 'negativeWords' : 'words')}[] = $matches[2][$i];
* Appends "*" to the end of each search term.
* @return void
public function wildCardWords(){
foreach($this->words as $key => $word)
if(strpos($word,'*') === false)
$this->words[$key] .= '*';
* Generates a SQL where fragment for use in a full SQL query.
* @return string SQL where fragment.
public function display(){
$sql_substr = '';
foreach($this->words as $word)
$sql_substr .= addslashes($word).' ';
foreach($this->quoted as $word)
$sql_substr .= '"'.addslashes($word).'" ';
foreach($this->negativeWords as $word)
$sql_substr .= '-'.addslashes($word).' ';
foreach($this->negativeQuoted as $word)
$sql_substr .= '-"'.addslashes($word).'" ';
return 'MATCH ('.$this->indexString.') AGAINST (\''.substr($sql_substr,0,-1).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
public function __toString(){
return $this->display();