An implementation of the Pingback specification.
Method Overview
Return | Visibility | Name | Parameters |
array | static public | autoPing | (string $from, string $text) |
mixed | static public | discover | (string $url) |
array | static public | ping | (string $server, string $from, string $to) |
Method Detail
static public autoPing()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $from | URL to scan |
string | $text | Manually specify the page contents of the $from URL |
Scrapes a given URL for links and sends PingBack pings from that URL to each of the links found.
static public discover()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $url | Any given web page. |
Find the XMLRPC endpoint of a given PingBack resource.
static public ping()
Parameter Type | Name | Description |
string | $server | XMLRPC endpoint |
string | $from | URL PingBack from |
string | $to | URL PingBack from |
Send a PingBack ping.
Declared in: PicoraPingBack.php
class PicoraPingBack {
static public function viewHelper(){
return '<link rel="pingback" href="'.PicoraDispatcher::getUrl(array('PicoraXMLRPC','respondToXMLRPC')).'" />';
static public function respondToGetPingsRequest($local){
return new IXR_Error(33,'Target does not exist on this server.');
$list = array();
foreach(PicoraPing::findAllByLocal($local) as $ping)
$list[] = $ping->remote;
return $list;
static public function respondToPingRequest($remote,$local){
$remote = addslashes($remote);
$local = addslashes($local);
if(strpos(addslashes($local),preg_replace('|https?://|','',BASE_URL)) === false)
return new IXR_Error(33,'Target does not exist on this server.');
if($remote == $local)
return new IXR_Error(33,'Remote and local must be distinct urls.');
return new IXR_Error(33,'Target does not exist on this server.');
$ping = PicoraActiveRecord::find('PicoraPing',array(
'where' => array(
'local' => $local,
'remote' => $remote
return new IXR_Error(48,'The pingback is already registered.');
$remote_content = self::getURL($remote);
return new IXR_Error(16,'The source URL could not be found.');
return new IXR_Error(17,'The source URL does not contain a link to the target URI.');
'name' => (preg_match('/<title>([^<]*?)<\/title>/is',$remote_content,$m) ? $m[1] : $remote),
'local' => $local,
'remote' => $remote
return "Ping recorded.";
* Find the XMLRPC endpoint of a given PingBack resource.
* @param string $url Any given web page.
* @return mixed Returns the URL of the XMLRPC endpoint or false if it could not be found, or null if the URL could not be opened.
static public function discover($url){
$contents = self::getURL($url,true,8192);
return null;
if(preg_match('/X-Pingback: (.+)/',$contents,$match))
return $match[1];
if(preg_match('/<link rel="pingback" href="(.+?)"/',$contents,$match))
return urldecode(html_entity_decode($match[1]));
return false;
* Send a PingBack ping.
* @param string $server XMLRPC endpoint
* @param string $from URL PingBack from
* @param string $to URL PingBack from
* @return array (bool success,string response)
static public function ping($server,$from,$to){
return PicoraXMLRPC::call($server,'pingback.ping',$from,$to);
* Scrapes a given URL for links and sends PingBack pings from that URL to each of the links found.
* @param string $from URL to scan
* @param string $text Manually specify the page contents of the $from URL
* @return array of array(bool success,string response) for each ping sent
static public function autoPing($from,$text = false){
if(!$text && !($text = self::getURL($from)))
return false;
return self::autoPingCallback($from,$text);
static protected function autoPingCallback($from,$text){
$links = self::scrape($text);
$response = array();
foreach($links as $link)
$response[] = (($server = self::discover($link)))
? self::ping($server,$from,$link)
: array(false,'Could not autodiscover server from "'.$link.'"')
return $response;
static protected function getURL($url,$headers = false,$limit = false,$timeout = 30){
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
$host = (isset($url_parsed["host"])) ? $url_parsed["host"] : '';
$port = (isset($url_parsed["port"])) ? $url_parsed["port"] : 80;
if($port == 0)
$port = 80;
$path = $url_parsed["path"];
if(isset($url_parsed["query"]) && $url_parsed["query"] != "")
$path .= "?".$url_parsed["query"];
$out = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n";
$fp = @fsockopen($host,$port,$errno,$errstr,$timeout);
return false;
$body = false;
$out = '';
$headers = '';
$s = fgets($fp,1024);
$out .= $s;
if($s == "\r\n"){
$response = $headers.($limit ? fgets($fp,$limit) : '');
return $response;
$body = true;
return $out;
static protected function scrape($str){
return array_map(array('PicoraPingBack','arrayMapCallback'),$matches[1]);
static protected function arrayMapCallback($str){
return html_entity_decode(trim($str," \"'"));