
Provides support methods for other PicoraDocumentation* classes.

Method Overview

Return Visibility Name Parameters
array static public arrayFromDocComment (string $comment)
array static public codeArrayFromReflectionObject (object $r)
unknown static public getClassParentList (ReflectionClass $class)
unknown static public getImplementedClassInterfaceList (ReflectionClass $class)
array static public getFunctionList ()
array static public getClassList ()
bool static public match (object $object, string $search_terms)

Method Detail

static public arrayFromDocComment()

Parameter Type Name Description
string $comment in PHP/JavaDoc format

Parses a doc comment string into an array of tokens (any comment line beginning with @), and a description.

static public codeArrayFromReflectionObject()

Parameter Type Name Description
object $r any Reflection class or PicoraDocumentation class

static public getClassParentList()

Parameter Type Name Description
ReflectionClass $class

static public getImplementedClassInterfaceList()

Parameter Type Name Description
ReflectionClass $class

static public getFunctionList()

Only functions that have a valid doc comment will be included in the list.

static public getClassList()

Only classes that have a valid doc comment will be included in the list.

static public match()

Parameter Type Name Description
object $object
string $search_terms

Match a PicoraDocumentationFunction, PicoraDocumentaitonClass or PicoraDocumentationMethod against a query string.

Declared in: PicoraDocumentation.php

class PicoraDocumentation {    
     * Only functions that have a valid doc comment will be included in the list.
     * @return array of PicoraDocumentationFunction objects for user defined functions
    static public function getFunctionList(){
        $functions = get_defined_functions();
        $list = array();
        foreach($functions['user'] as $name){
            $function = new PicoraDocumentationFunction($name);
            if($function['description'] == '' && !isset($function['introduction']) && !count($function['params']))
            $list[$name] = $function;
        return $list;
     * Only classes that have a valid doc comment will be included in the list.
     * @return array of PicoraDocumentationClass objects for user defined classes
    static public function getClassList(){
        $list = array();
        foreach(get_declared_classes() as $name){
            $class = new PicoraDocumentationClass($name);
            if($class['description'] == '' && !isset($class['introduction']) && !count($class['params']))
            $list[$name] = $class;
        return $list;
     * Parses a doc comment string into an array of tokens (any comment line beginning with @), and a description.
     * @param string $comment in PHP/JavaDoc format
     * @return array tokens, array 'params' and string 'description' are always present
    static public function arrayFromDocComment($comment){
        $tolkens = array(
            'params' => array(),
            'description' => array(),
            'events' => array()
        foreach(explode(chr(10),$comment) as $line){
            $line = preg_replace('/^\s+/','',$line);
            $line = preg_replace('/^\* /','',$line);
            if($line == '/**' || $line == '*/' || $line == '*' || preg_match('/^\*\s*$/',$line))
            if(strpos($line,'@') === 0){
                    if($matches[1] == 'param')
                        $tolkens['params'][] = $matches[2];
                    elseif($matches[1] == 'event')
                        $tolkens['events'][] = $matches[2];
                        $tolkens[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
                $tolkens['description'][] = $line;
        $tolkens['description'] = implode(chr(10),$tolkens['description']);
        return $tolkens;
     * @param ReflectionClass $class
    static public function getImplementedClassInterfaceList(ReflectionClass $class){
        $implements = array();
        foreach(get_declared_interfaces() as $interface)
                $implements[] = $interface;
        return $implements;
     * @param ReflectionClass $class
    static public function getClassParentList(ReflectionClass $class){
        $parents = array();
        while($parent = $class->getParentClass()){
            $parents[] = $parent->getName();
            $class = $parent;
        return $parents;
     * @param object $r any Reflection class or PicoraDocumentation class
     * @return array declaring lines of the given class, method or function
    static public function codeArrayFromReflectionObject($r){
        return array_slice(file($r->getFileName()),($r->getStartLine() - 1),(($r->getEndLine() - $r->getStartLine()) + 1),true);
     * Match a PicoraDocumentationFunction, PicoraDocumentaitonClass or PicoraDocumentationMethod against a query string.
     * @param object $object
     * @param string $search_terms
     * @return bool
    static public function match($object,$search_terms){
        if(strlen($search_terms) <= 2)
            return false;
        $score = 0;
        if(strcasecmp($object->name,$search_terms) == 0 || stripos($object->name,$search_terms) !== false)
            $score += 1000;
        if(isset($object['introduction']) && stripos($object['introduction'],$search_terms) !== false)
            $score += 100;
        $params = $object['params'];
        foreach($params as $param)
            if(stripos($param,'$'.$search_terms) !== false || stripos($param,$search_terms) !== false)
                $score += 100;
        if(isset($object['description']) && stripos($object['description'],$search_terms) !== false)
            $score += 25;
        return $score;
            return true;
        if($object->name == $search_terms)
            return true;
        if(strpos(strtolower($object->name),$search_terms) !== false)
            return true;
        if(strlen($search_terms) <= 3)
            return false;
        foreach($object['params'] as $param)
            if(strpos(strtolower($param),'$'.$search_terms) !== false || strpos(strtolower($param),$search_terms) !== false)
                return true;
        //if(strpos(strtolower(array_pop(explode('/',$object['file']))),$search_terms) !== false)
        //    return true;
        return false;