
Unobtrusive CSS based rating widget for Prototype.js


Control.Rating attaches to any div, span or table cell on your page in one line of code to create a fully customizable CSS based ratings widget. Each control can optionally post an Ajax request when it's value is set, or can interact with text inputs or select elements that are already on your page. It uses four (customizable) class names to determine each link's state:

  • rating_off
  • rating_half
  • rating_on
  • rating_selected

Note that you'll need to implement your own styles. Feel free to take the CSS and background image from this page as an example.

{value: 2.4}
{value: 4, rated: true}
{value: 6, rated: false, max:9}
{value: 6, rated: false, min: 3, max: 12, multiple: true, reverse: true}
{input: 'rating_seven_input', multiple: true}
{input: 'rating_eight_select', multiple: true}

Example Code

<div id="rating_one" class="rating_container"></div>
<div id="rating_two" class="rating_container"></div>
    var rating_one = new Control.Rating('rating_one');
    var rating_two = new Control.Rating('rating_two',{
        max: 6,
        updateUrl: 'http://my_ajax_handler',
        afterChange: function(value){

How to Read the API Table

Anything in the method and property lists that ends with "()" is a method, and anything that doesn't is a property. All events are specifiable in the options hash, or via "observe()" if Object.Event has been included on the page before Control.Rating was. In a method signature, each argument is separated by a comma, if the words are lower case it refers to the data type and gives a hint to what it is used for, if there is an upper case word it refers to the class of object that must be used. Arguments with [square brackets] around them are optional.

Class Methods and Properties

arrayinstancesAll created Control.Rating instances.
false || Control.RatingfindByElementId()Find any Control.Rating instance who's container has an id.

Instance Methods and Properties

Control.Ratinginitialize(mixed element_id [,options Hash])element_id can be a string id or Element object.
voidsetValue(int value [,boolean rated [,boolean prevent_callbacks]])Set the value of the ratings widget and redraw it. Setting force_selected to true will draw the input as if it has been rated, but will not mark it as rated in the options hash. Setting prevent_callbacks to true will prevent the afterChange event and optional Ajax request from firing.
voiddisable()Removes all event handlers from the links.


floatvaluenullDefault value, gets set into the value property of the instance and discarded from the options hash. Anything that is not a whole number (i.e. 3.1) results in a the 'half' class name being assigned.
intmin1Minimum value.
intmax5Maximum value.
booleanratedfalseHas the widget already been rated.
mixedinputfalsefalse or string id, or Element object of a hidden, text or select input.
booleanreversefalseDisplay the links in reverse order.
booleancapturetrueStop the click event on each rating to propagate.
booleanmultiplefalseCan the user rate multiple times.
HashclassNames{off: 'rating_off', half: 'rating_half', on: 'rating_on', selected: 'rating_selected'}Hash of state dependent class names.
mixedupdateUrlfalsefalse or string URL to post an Ajax request to when the value changes.
stringupdateParameterName'value'The name of the POST key that will contain the value.
functionafterChangefunction(){}Called after the value changes.

RSS Changelog

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Downloads & SVN

The Control Suite subversion repository is available at: svn://

Other Resources

Have you written a post or article about Control.Tabs? Please contact me!