Retrieve GET parameters that contain slashes or %2F
I think this is a PHP engine level thing... Try urldecode() and urlencode() If Picora itself is modifying the GET params (and not PHP) let me know!
Posted April 17th, 2007 at 2:42pm by ryan
I have investigated the issue and found out other people are having same problems in some circumstances and mod_rewrite may be the culprit but I can't be definitive about it. Url encoding doesn't seem to be working but I may be doing something wrong when passing picora parameters and values although It seems like picora is rewriting something at some moment :/ Could it be the rewrite rule in .htaccess? Here is a simple sample code that I used to corner the problem: "":
And it is temporally running there: "":
Posted April 20th, 2007 at 10:31am by nolan
Is that possible to have GET parameters (eg: an id) that includes slashes character or %2F ? I am using tag:uri as ids and when I use the forward slashes picora fails to catch the value and it seems to convert '%2F' (url encoding) as well.
Posted April 15th, 2007 at 12:39pm by nolan