Beta 2 Released

Just wanted to let folks know that beta 2 is out. I've had a few enthusiastic reports back, but nothing detailed. This is an open invitation for bug reports, criticisms and all of your thoughts.

Among the major changes were that all of the classes are now prefixed with "Picrora", and that the entire library now lives in one file. Both of these things are designed to increase extreme portability. I love the content_for feature of rails templates (when used with layouts), and brought something similar to Picora with View::beginContentFor() and View::endContentFor() It's nowhere near as elegant, but at the end of the day it gets the job done for me. The blog application makes use of it if you are looking for an example.

I had those changes in mind from the time I released beta one, and barring a great idea or further simplification that comes to me in my sleep, or is suggested by someone, I don't forsee any big changes before 1.0.

Posted March 27th, 2007 at 12:22am by ryan

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