Questions for the new Version (4)


I took some time today to check the new Picora version. And I have some questions:

a. How to use active record? There?s a folder "models" but I don?t know how the model-files should look like :/ are there any examples?

b. there is this code in the zip I downloaded:

static public function layout($main){
  return self::render('views/layout.php',array('main'=>$main))->display();
public function welcome(){
  return self::render('views/welcome.php');

The root "/" is dispatched to the welcome function. But it renders the "layout.php" too. Why is this? I couldn't find any connections from the render function the this layout-function?

Greetings, Ruben

Posted August 13th, 2007 at 10:22am by ruben

The layout()-Method is automatically called by the dispatcher. In the config.php you define the routes:


Look into the PicoraDispatcher.php-Code:

static protected $error_handler = array('ApplicationController','error');
static protected $layout_handler = array('ApplicationController','layout');

The Dispatcher calls the welcome-method and then calls the layout-method with one parameter (The Result from the called method (here the welcome-method)).

static public function layout($main){
    return self::render('views/layout.php',array('main'=>$main))->display();

$main contains the result from the welcome-method. In the array, you define 'main' as a variable for the layout.

I still try to get the ActiveRecord running, but I have similar problems ... I don't know how exactly. Time to RTFS :)

Posted August 20th, 2007 at 6:45am by Aaron

a. How to use active record? There?s a folder "models" but I don?t know how the model-files should look like :/ are there any examples?

I found the PicoraUser class which extends PicroraActiveRecord and I use it as example.

To help you, look this :

File models/BlogPost.php

class BlogPost extends PicoraActiveRecord {
    const TABLE_NAME   = 'posts';
    const PRIMARY_KEY  = 'id';
    const TITLE_KEY    = 'title';
    const SYNOPSIS_KEY = 'synopsis';
    const CONTENT_KEY  = 'content';
    const CREATED_KEY  = 'created';
    const AUTHOR_KEY   = 'author';
    const CATEGORY_KEY = 'category';

File controllers/BlogController.php

class BlogController extends ApplicationController {
    public function home(){
        $posts = PicoraActiveRecord::findAll('BlogPost');
        return self::render('views/blog/home.php', array(
            'posts' => $posts,
    public function post($post_id){
        $post = PicoraActiveRecord::find('BlogPost', $post_id);
        return self::render('views/blog/post.php', array(
            'post' => $post,

Posted August 24th, 2007 at 7:10am by SuperDevy

a. How to use active record? There?s a folder "models" but I don?t know how the model-files should look like :/ are there any examples?

I found the PicoraUser class which extends PicroraActiveRecord and I use it as example.

To help you, look this :

File models/BlogPost.php

class BlogPost extends PicoraActiveRecord {
    const TABLE_NAME   = 'posts';
    const PRIMARY_KEY  = 'id';
    const TITLE_KEY    = 'title';
    const SYNOPSIS_KEY = 'synopsis';
    const CONTENT_KEY  = 'content';
    const CREATED_KEY  = 'created';
    const AUTHOR_KEY   = 'author';
    const CATEGORY_KEY = 'category';

File controllers/BlogController.php

class BlogController extends ApplicationController {
    public function home(){
        $posts = PicoraActiveRecord::findAll('BlogPost');
        return self::render('views/blog/home.php', array(
            'posts' => $posts,
    public function post($post_id){
        $post = PicoraActiveRecord::find('BlogPost', $post_id);
        return self::render('views/blog/post.php', array(
            'post' => $post,

Posted August 24th, 2007 at 7:10am by SuperDevy

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