Centering Large Windows (Bug) - 1 Month Later

A month ago, I wrote about this problem :


Try faking 1024 screen width by bringing the right edge of your browser to roughly the center of the blurred figure standing in the background.

Click on a small image (such as the fuschia/blue "cc poster (B)", 4th on bottom row). The image will appear centered.

Exit modal and now click either of the FOC thumbs on the 2nd row (3rd & 4th). The content being loaded isn't centered. As a result, scrollbars galore appear everywhere - even though the content should normally fit nicely in the page.

Exit modal and click the same link again. It moved a bit, didn't it? Repeat several times... the modal window gets closer and closer to being centered each time. It's almost as if all it wants it a few more milliseconds to center itself, milliseconds it doesn't have. Eventually, the content will be centered and those scrollbars will be gone. And once it's centered, it stays centered... until you click on another small image, and return to the big one. Then you have to start the process over again.

Anyone have any idea why this is happening? I tried it without the div in the page being loaded (ie, just putting the 2 images) and it has the same bug... only that it wraps the images instead of putting scrollbars (they display one on top of the other even though there is enough width to the page to accomodate them side by side).


To which Kangax responded :

I think Ryan knows about this. I don't have a time to debug the issue now, but we'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

I've not seen a word about it since, and new replies no longer seem to bump threads back up. So here's a fresh new reminder. =)


Posted May 31st, 2007 at 9:27am by jyeager

Having just redone the test with 1.2.12, I see that the bug is still there, one month later. :-(

Posted May 31st, 2007 at 9:55am by jyeager

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