Loading control.modal window even if page hasn't fully loaded.
This is a specific Control.Modal imlpementation. Both containers initialize when window finishes loading. You can use one of onDomReady scripts to initialize Control.Modal once DOM is rendered:
Low Pro Event.onReady or FastInit.addOnLoad
Then change attachEvents method in Control.Modal to use them instead of prototype's Event.observe(window, 'load', ...)
Let me know if something doesn't work.
P.S. This feature might be implemented in future versions, but we have to ask Ryan...
Posted May 8th, 2007 at 2:09pm by kangax
Hi, I've been facing a peculiar problem where the control.modal window wont load if the page hasn't been loaded completely. I tried a couple of solutions recommended but it didn't help. Now the only option i see is using js popups which load even if the page hasn't loaded fully. I hate to wanna do this but I don't see a way out... help?!
Posted May 7th, 2007 at 12:28am by zahir