IE throws "undefined is null or not an object"


It looks like IE (both 6 & 7) chokes when changing style of elements and throws "undefined is null or not an object".

The buggy lines are:

$$('select').invoke('setStyle',{visibility: 'hidden'}); $$('select').invoke('setStyle',{visibility: 'visible'});

I didn't dig too much into the problem but replaced invoke with each and direct styling.

$$('select').each(function(el){ = "hidden" })

This solves the problem. One more thing to say is that apparently it has nothing to do with actual styling of a select element, since it was giving me same errors with different styles.

I'll definitely check what the problem is once I get more time on my hands...

Posted April 20th, 2007 at 2:30pm by kangax

Thanks! This change is reflected in 1.2.11

Posted April 21st, 2007 at 12:23pm by ryan

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