Control.Modal tooltip causes screen to judder

I've implemented some tooltips for links with Control.Modal and I'm using Contents: function () { // stuff } to populate the contents. The page uses a centered fixed width div/table, much like LivePipe website has.

The problem occurs my browser window (FireFox 2) is set to a size where the content reaches close to the bottom of the window but does not exceed it (so there is no scroll bar). When I mouse over a link, the content briefly judders (moves left-right very quickly).

I've worked out this is caused by the modal_container div getting its contents set, then the position of the div is set. Thus the window contents briefly exceeds the bottom of the window resulting in the scrollbar appearing, which in turn results in the entire (centered contents) being shifted to the left. When the position of the div is then changed (to follwo the mouse) the scroll bar disappears and the contents shift back again.

I've avoided the problem for common screen sizes (1024x768) by adding to force a scroll bar but I can't avoid it entirely for larger screens.

I think this problem could be avoided if the div were first set to the mouse cursor position and then the contents added to the div?

Any other suggestion?

Posted February 7th, 2008 at 8:49pm by nickdos

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