- flash of unstyled content problem
Well, the FOUC tweak will hide everything to begin with, but it should all be shown again when control.tabs initialises the tab set. If it's not working, it suggests that your tab init is at fault. Try running in Firefox with Firebug to see if any errors appear.
Posted January 24th, 2008 at 6:37am by Synchro
OK, so i admit i'm probably just being blind....but
if i do as the page suggests and use document.write to set my other tabs to display:none
then they never show up, even when i select those tabs - ???
how do i get them to display again when they are clicked - your suggestion does not go on to explain that part.
thanks kindly, much appreciated! -tr
Posted January 21st, 2008 at 8:46pm by trehug