Problem calling a function as Modal contents after updating to 2.2.3
sorry, forgot to
the code!function fnInitLinks(y,m,d){ for(i=d;i9? m :'0'+m)+'-'+(i>9? i :'0'+i); new Control.Modal('d-' + sDate,{ contents: fnDialogueWindow(sDate) }); } }
function fnDialogueWindow(sDate){ return function(){ new Ajax.Request('/eventdate/dialogue/'+sDate,{ onComplete: function(request){ this.update(request.responseText); }.bind(this) }); } }
Posted October 9th, 2007 at 8:14am by rich
ok i've made that a bit more readable.
anyone out there had any similar experiences or can suggest an alternative approach to this?
function fnInitLinks(y,m,d){
for(i=d;i9? m :'0'+m)+'-'+(i>9? i :'0'+i);
new Control.Modal('d-' + sDate,{
contents: fnDialogueWindow(sDate)
function fnDialogueWindow(sDate){
return function(){
new Ajax.Request('/eventdate/dialogue/'+sDate,{
onComplete: function(request){
Posted October 10th, 2007 at 3:33am by rich
Hi all,
Just updated to 2.2.3 as I needed the Firefox overlay scrolling fix, and now its spitting the dummy with having a function passed as the contents option.
Here's the code,
i'm assigning the behaviour to a calendar with the first one...
function fnInitLinks(y,m,d){ for(i=d;i<=31;i++){ var sDate = y+'-'+(m>9? m :'0'+m)+'-'+(i>9? i :'0'+i); new Control.Modal('d-' + sDate,{ contents: fnDialogueWindow(sDate) }); } }
... and attaching an ajax request here
function fnDialogueWindow(sDate){ return function(){ new Ajax.Request('/eventdate/dialogue/'+sDate,{ onComplete: function(request){ this.update(request.responseText); }.bind(this) }); } }
and i'm now getting this error...
html has no properties update(undefined)control.modal.2.2... (line 352)
It works fine with the 1.2.12 script
All advice welcome!
Posted October 9th, 2007 at 8:11am by rich