stupid "how to make it work" control.tabs question

sorry - this is a total noob question - I can't seem to get control.tabs to work. I've been tinkering with my file for most of the night and this is what I've reduced it to:

  1. I loaded my css, scriptaculous, prototype, and the control.tabs js file in the header
  2. created ul list with id name and tab names with anchors, then made the div tags with the body of each tab.
  3. did all sorts of initiation of the new tab groups as per the samples given.

each time, I've loaded it up in safari as well as camino - nothing. Just all the html without any tabs. Is there something stupid I probably overlooked? Sorry for the panicked, past-midnight noob question...


Posted September 19th, 2007 at 11:48pm by tyler

Hi Tyler,

Don't worry about getting stuck when you first start, I'm sure it took us all a while to get to grips with it!

Can you put your page online so we can see it? If you've followed all the steps as you say, it is likely to just be a simple syntax issue.


Posted September 20th, 2007 at 3:12am by bbodien

i putted the stripped down version i was working on up at

css is borked...but I was hoping to fix that once I got this working...



Posted September 20th, 2007 at 5:58am by tyler

Hi Tyler,

Your version of Prototype is out of date. Grab the latest versions of all the libraries you're using from their respective websites and update.


Posted September 20th, 2007 at 9:26am by bbodien

holy're a genius!

At least it was better than last time when I forget a semicolon and was debugging something for days...

Posted September 20th, 2007 at 11:37am by tyler


Posted September 20th, 2007 at 11:38am by tyler

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