Trying to turn on the fade effect...
PS: URL is the same as the one displaying the FLASH problem (flash is not overlayed by overlaying layer) in IE7 :
Posted September 15th, 2007 at 10:47pm by jyeager
I revised my code a bit. This is what it looks like (over at
new Control.Modal(link);
Works fine (click thumbnail on left). But where the heck do I put the 'fade:true'?
This is how the sample page does it :
new Control.Modal('modal_link_six',{
fade: true
So I tried it this way :
new Control.Modal((link),{fade:on});
Which only made the whole thing crumble.
Someone (Ryan?) please tell me how to edit my current code to turn the fading on (turning it on in the JS file itself yielded no tangible results).
Posted September 16th, 2007 at 9:41pm by jyeager
why are you doing fade: on instead of fade: true? Try this:
new Control.Modal(link,{
Posted October 17th, 2007 at 5:08pm by knewter
This was resolved in another thread; he hadn't imported Scriptaculous.
Posted October 18th, 2007 at 5:58am by bbodien
Do I need Scriptalicious to make the fades work?
Because what I did was update lines 21-25 of the modal JS file to "true", and then again at line 142. All this did was UNHOOK the modal code altogether for some reason. Clicking on a thumbnail that previously spawned a lightbox now simply switched to another page like it was a normal link.
What exactly am I supposed to change if I want ALL instances to fade just like the example on the product page? I don't want to individually name each instance. I have a class for that :
Here's what I did to it, based on the example shown on the product page :
Of course, this broke everything.
How do I turn the fade feature on?
Posted September 15th, 2007 at 10:45pm by jyeager