Animated GIFs within Control.Modal (IE6)

I can't seem to get an animated GIF to actually animate in IE6 when it's loaded within a modal window. I'm not using an IFrame, and it's just a simple loading indicator GIF.

I discovered something interesting in testing: When I load the GIF in the parent window, it animates. When I load the modal window, the same GIF within the loaded content does not animate, but the GIF in the background still animates. But when I close the modal window, the GIF in the parent document stops animating. So, clearly the problem is with a javascript command, right?

Posted September 8th, 2007 at 1:26am by bpartridge

Update: The parent animation only stops when the modal window is closed with the Control.Modal.close();. The parent animation continues to animate when the modal window is closed by clicking on the overlay.

Posted September 8th, 2007 at 1:30am by bpartridge

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