Control.Modal: Stack Overflow at Line: 0

Has anyone else received a Stack Overflow error in IE? It only seems to happen for me when the position is set to relative, but that could be a coincidence. It happens right when the modal opens, so it's not being caused by the Ajax.

I am calling the function below via an onClick in an anchor tag.

function showSearchModal(svsURL,id,left,top){ 
    var url = svsURL;
    var eleid = id;
    m = new Control.Modal(eleid,{ 
            offsetLeft: left,
            offsetTop: top,
            position: 'relative',
            overlayDisplay: true,
            width: 360,
            contents: function(){ 
                new Ajax.Request(url,{ 
                        document.getElementById("modalContent").innerHTML = request.responseText;
                return 'Loading ';

Posted August 16th, 2007 at 2:54pm by BrodySlater

If I remove the scriptaculous library then the overflow error stops. Any else experienced this?

Posted August 16th, 2007 at 3:03pm by BrodySlater

If I remove the scriptaculous library then the overflow error stops. Any else experienced this?

Posted August 16th, 2007 at 7:03pm by BrodySlater

I had the same issue until i updated to the latest versions of Prototype and Scriptaculous.

Posted August 18th, 2007 at 12:37pm by TomSpilman

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