safari problems
I was just working with a page locally when the control.tabs functionality totally died in Safari.
The functionality was just gone (even when taking a direct copy of the Control.Tabs website which refers to the remote path for all the scripts, etc.) ...EXCEPT if i opened the file from the desktop. the exact same file would work (in safari) when on the desktop, but as soon as i put the file in my "Dreamweaver Sites" it would die again.
Turns out Control.Tabs, or Safari, kills the functionality of the tabs if the file in a folder with a space in the name (it always pissed me off that dreamweaver put a space in the default local folder root...) IE: if there is a %20 in the local URL, Control.Tabs dies.
Check to see if your dev directory (or any folder in the entire path to the file) has a space in the name.
lame, but hopefully my 20 minutes of confusion can save you some time. :)
(crappy dreamweaver.)
Posted July 23rd, 2007 at 3:26pm by thot
Thanks thot. We ran into the same problem with Safari and Firefox on the Mac. After you enlightened us on the issue with the spaces (%20)We just launched Apache by turning on personal web sharing and moving everything to the default "sites" folder. Spiralstarez isn't workin on an iPhone app by any chance? Critical that it works in Safari hmmm...
Posted August 13th, 2007 at 8:29am by macnogeek
Hi, I used Control.Tabs version 2.1.1 on Safari 1.3.2, and it does not work.
The property 'window.location.href' which is returned by Safari has wrong value. like this:
It should be follows, and Control.Tabs also requires:
Then, I replaced the source at line 48:
return (/^#/).exec(link.href.replace(window.location.href.split('#')[0],''));
as follows:
var wlh = window.location.href;
if( wlh.match(/^file:\/[^\/]/) ) wlh = wlh.replace(/^file:/,'file://');
return (/^#/).exec(link.href.replace(wlh.split('#')[0],''));
sorry for my poor English.
Posted November 7th, 2007 at 6:41am by hwat
Greetings, tried to post something yesterday, bunged up the code and lo-and-behold you can't go back and edit your post, atleast I don't know how to :-)
So, I was having a problem that the tabs didn't work in Safari, which is a must browser for the app I am developing. I scratched my head, stripped everything down, added the bare bones and I STILL couldn't get it going in Safari at all.
The weirdest part about it, was I downloaded everything from the livepipe site and tested it on my own macbook Pro and it wouldn't work in safari, however if I opened the livepipe site in Safari it did work fine. This baffled me.
Finally, I took the same files I developed locally, uploaded them to a web server, and BOOM! It all works fine in Safari.
I still have no idea why this would be, but I'd be interested to hear if someone else has had this happen or knows of this development issue in Safari. It took me two f$%^$^%king days to implement some tabs because of it, so I hope someone else doesn't run into this same problem.
Posted July 19th, 2007 at 1:43am by spiralstarez