Submitting to a modal


I'm trying to submit a form to a Control.Modal and I can't find the way to give the modal a link it might understand.

Right now, I'm using a popup. The function is simple :

function linkSubmitToPopup(theformid, url) { var preview =, "preview", "height=500,width=550,menubar='no',toolbar='no',location='no',status='no',scrollbars='yes', rezisable='yes'"); if (document.all) { document.all[theformid].setAttribute("action", url); document.all[theformid].target = "preview"; document.all[theformid].submit(); } else { document.getElementById(theformid).action = url; document.getElementById(theformid).target = "preview"; document.getElementById(theformid).submit(); } preview.focus(); }

Is there a way to achieve the same goal with a modal and mo popup ?

Thanks in advance,


Posted April 4th, 2007 at 5:23am by j0hnd0e

I'm actually writing some functionality into the script today that will lit you pass in a string url instead of a link object. I'll post to this thread again when it is up.

Posted April 4th, 2007 at 10:01am by ryan

I've updated the library to 1.2.5, and the page now includes some examples. Enjoy!

Posted April 4th, 2007 at 12:48pm by ryan

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