Complex Sorting with PHP
Most often when I need to sort complex data sets, I'm using some sort of SQL backend. Today I needed to do complex sorting of Reflection objects for some auto generating documentation I'm working on for the upcoming Picora release. Namely, I needed to sort methods according to the following criteria:
- is static
- visibility
- alphabetical order
In the usort() examples, I had always been under the assumption (and from other folks code, I know I'm not the only one) that the return values had to be 0, 1 or -1.
Today I learned that is not true at all, and you can come up with your own scoring system with any range, negative or positive. A truncated, but fully functional example:
class PicoraDocumentationClass extends ReflectionClass {
public function getMethods(){
$methods = array();
foreach(parent::getMethods() as $method)
$methods[] = $this->getMethod($method->name);
return $methods;
static public function sort($a,$b){
$a_score = self::scoreFromMethod($a);
$b_score = self::scoreFromMethod($b);
return ($a_score == $b_score) ? 0 : ($a_score < $b_score ? -1 : 1);
static protected function scoreFromMethod(PicoraDocumentationMethod $m){
return array_sum(array(
($m->isStatic() ? -100000 : 0),
($m->isPublic() ? -10000 : 0),
($m->isProtected() ? -1000 : 0),
($m->isPrivate() ? -100 : 0),
The PicoraController class methods when sorted appear would appear in this order:
- static public flash
- static public getFlash
- static public render
- static protected redirect
- static protected renderRSS
- static protected renderJSON
- static protected sendFile
- public afterCall
- public beforeCall
Just as a quick side note, I'm not sure that scoring in orders of magnitude (100,1000,etc) was entirely nessecary, but it did do the trick right, and consistently. Also note PicoraDocumentationMethod is just a subclass of ReflectionMethod, all of those methods being called are in the Reflection engine.
Coming soon to a Picora project page near you...
Posted June 27th, 2007 at 7:31 pm by Ryan in Programming
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Posted September 29th, 2007 at 8:03am by
Posted October 21st, 2007 at 5:33am by
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