Resources, Resources, Anyone?
So, I've gotten more than one email that says "wish i'd found this sooner". Me too!
I get listed on Ajaxian fairly frequently, but I have to pull a new trick out of my hat each time. Marketing is not my game, and other than Google, that's about it for my major traffic sources. Would anyone like to suggest some sites/blogs/indexes that might list or write about the libraries and tools I have put together here at LivePipe?
If you don't feel like posting a comment, email me at Any feedback or suggestions would be most appreciated!
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I know the feeling. Marketing Autopendium :: stuff about old cars is the bit I'm enjoying least. Even worse than debugging CSS across all three main browsers.
Still, for what it's worth, I've added you to my with thanks page, and I think a note on the info page for each project asking for people to do the same would be a good idea, and also in users' interests (the more people use it, the bigger the community, and the better it will be).
Couple of other thoughts. I now make a point of always including Autopendium :: stuff about old cars in my signatures, particularly on the Rails Talk mailing lists, and, where applicable, and acceptable, in my comments too (three in this one already!). I wondered also if your projects had been featured by Smashing Magazine. Don't remember seeing them, and they should definitely have been featured in a couple of their roundups.
Cheers, and thanks for the great work,
Chris1965 Volvo Amazon 131 - that's the 4th one!
Posted June 28th, 2007 at 2:20pm by ChrisT
You have a great product. You just need more PR.
A few sites that I remembered: * * * * * * *
Posted June 28th, 2007 at 6:01pm by fabioassis
You have a great product. You just need more PR.
A few sites that I remembered: * * * * * * *
Posted June 28th, 2007 at 6:01pm by fabioassis
How about writing an article for alistapart, or thinkvitamin?
It'd need to be something on best-practise, or a generic JS technique, not specifically plugging your libraries. In fact it'd probably need to avoid mentioning livepipe until your biography summary at the end of the article, but a link from those sites should help you in making a name for yourself.
Posted July 4th, 2007 at 9:16am by bbodien
Posted October 21st, 2007 at 5:32am by
well, i had given up finding a lightbox-alike modal dialogue script since looking at umpteen bazillion of them and having them variously inappropriate i wound up just rolling my own since i really only needed one tenth of it.
but the css was making me sad later into actually using it (something about a cleared div below annoyingly interacting with my ostensibly fixed container div) and in searching for more examples i finally ran into control.modal and was already thinking that i wish people included this guy's stuff in their modal-dialogue-thingie-roundup lists--then i saw this post.
sounds like you could stand to a) get linked from more lists of modal dialogue dingers and b) do some seo on 'lightbox' and 'modal'
Posted October 27th, 2007 at 9:28pm by harmless
You have an article dedicated to Control.Tabs in the swedish computer magazine "Datormagazin". It wasn't written by me, even though I write for them now and then.
It was a good article, and it will probably generate some interest.
I will be sure and plug your stuff in my blog, the next time I write a tech article.
A List Apart is probably the place to be for you, and if you can try to interest Dave Shea at mezzoblue, he is a traffic-magnet. Also, since you plug semantic markup, you could probably get a mention from Eric Meyer and Jeffrey Zeldman.
If I come to think of anything else I'll be sure and mail you to suggest it.
Are your interest mainly self-promotion or are you trying to generate donations?
Posted December 13th, 2007 at 6:27am by scatcat
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